Monday, May 11, 2009

While I'm Waiting

If you do not have your speakers on, crank them up! I added a play list to my blog the other day with the song "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller. I heard this song on someone elses adoption blog and cried through the whole thing. It is the perfect song for where we are at right now....waiting! :) Really though, I am writing this post as a form of accountability. The song talks about where our hearts should be while we are in various stages of waiting. While I am waiting, I desire to be serving and worshiping. I want to run this entire race in a way that will bring honor and glory to God. It is so easy to find myself complaining throughout this process. The whole experience is exhausting and emotionally draining, but instead of dwelling on these things our whole goal should be to point others to Christ. He has allowed us the privilege of adopting, He is providing the finances and resources, and He has been faithful in walking with us every step of the way. While we wait, we want to remember these things. Keep us accountable in this and help us worship and serve our faithful Father.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I miss my cousins....

Yesterday at the lunch table Maddie and the children that I watch were having a deep conversation about heaven and hell (which started when Maddie quoted a line from a movie about God damning you to hell when you die if you don't believe in the was a kids movie, I promise!) The others starting naming off all of the pets that they want to see someday in heaven.....scooter, buddy, get the picture. I could see Maddie over there racking her brain with someone that she was longing to see someday in heaven, and was just sure that she was going to say Molly - my parents dog who died this year. Instead, she said something much sweeter and thoughtful and I have to say I completely hear her and agree. She said very reverently, "I want to see Joshua, my cousin in heaven someday." Her friends quickly asked, "well is he dead?" And she answered sadly "no, he just lives really far away."
I have to say Lindsey and Fred, when your niece can't decifer between dead and living really far away....thats a problem :) Time to move back to the midwest :)......

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About Me

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Luke and I met while in school at SBU. We have one beautiful daughter Maddie, who is 5. Currently we are beginning the process of adopting a child, or children from Ethiopia. The Lord has blessed our family in so many ways and we are forever thankful.